Our Programs
In-School Instruction
The daily classes for students enrolled at Drew Charter School reaches 70 students in grades five to 12. They receive 90 minutes of instruction on alternate days. Students are grouped according to their ability level in ensemble instruction.
After School
The after-school program meets on Wednesdays and Thursdays at Drew Charter School. Instruction is also provided to 25 students in the metropolitan area not enrolled at Drew Charter. Our most recent expansion is a replication of the after school instruction model at Main Stree Academy Charter School located in College Park, GA. Eight students are enrolled. After school classes are open to all students in the community, in grades 4-12.
Honor Ensemble
The Urban Youth Harp Ensemble, consisting of an exclusive group of exceptionally talented and skilled students ranging from four to six individuals, serves as the primary display of their musical prowess during public performances.
Alex, 9th grader, Student Spotlight
Student Spotlight
The Urban Youth Harp Ensemble revolves around its talented and devoted students, who are at the core of our mission. Today, we proudly shine the spotlight on Alex, an exceptional 10th grader. Alex recently passed the final round for the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra's Talent Development Program for the 2023-2024 season. Her awe-inspiring performance included the beautiful Pavane, originally composed in the 16th century and transcribed by the renowned Carlos Salzedo, as well as the captivating Concerto in Bb by George Fredrich Handel, also masterfully transcribed by Carlos Salzedo. Such accomplishments serve as a testament to Alex's extraordinary talents and hard work, and we are honored to have her as a member of our ensemble.